Thursday, December 17, 2009


I wanted to thank God for all my Blessings today!


  1. I am so blessed to have been able to share. The greatest blessing we received one year was delivering presents with some friends to a little boy who wasn't going to get anything.

    We were blessed enough to be able to do this on Christmas eve. It was late and there was snow on the ground. When we arrived, it was like stepping back into time to a home built in the "Walton's" era. It was so sweet looking back now on how beautiful God created this scene for us. We pulled up and could see a little head peeping out from behind a curtain through a little front window. His face lit up like he was seeing Santa Clause. He knew exactly what we were coming for! He lived with his grandparents and you could tell he really didn't have much toys or things afforded by most families.

    When we were stepping up onto the porch, you could hear him screaming "Ma-maw, Ma-maw, they are here." The excitement in his voice was unmistakable! We heard his grandmother give permission to open the door and he nearly swung it off the hinges letting us in! He was so sweet and nervous bouncing all around the place waiting on introductions and staring at all the wrapped packages we had under our arms. He begged to open just one, and of course his grandmother relented, "For Only One" she said. He tossed and played around finally deciding to open the round wrapped object. Isn't that just like a boy, he wanted the ball. He almost cried, I wonder if he had ever received a new basketball before.

    I would have loved to seen him open the other gifts but the grandmother was wise to postpone some of the pleasure. Things are much more fun if you have waited for them aren't they.

    Of all the times my husband and I have been able to help out others, give gifts to friends and family, or just "play Saint Nicholas" this was definitely beyond a shadow of a doubt the most memorable of them all. If only each person could experience something like this just once, they would never look at giving and receiving the same way. This was the almost best gift "I" EVER received from giving something away!

    The BEST GIFT though, of course, was what I received when I gave my heart to Jesus!

    I do hope you have a blessed Christmas!
    DeAnna Lovette

  2. Hi DeAnna! Oh what a lovely story! It is so wonderful and much better to give than to receive, I can tell you cherish this in your heart. Thank you for entering my blog give away. Merry Christmas, Heather-The Patchwork Heart,Co.

  3. Hi DeAnna,

    I saw you were trying to contact me. Thanks for pointing out that the email I had listed on my profile was outdated. I have updated it now and it should work. I don't have the info you requested, but would be happy to make it available to others if you wind up completing the task. Blessings!
