Friday, February 17, 2012

Things I hear

I am very grateful to be able to hear all of my blessings.

Many times those around me accuse me of have a larger than normal mouth. Yeah, I know that's not exactly what they say, but I try to not repeat the evil, and only concentrate on the good. ;-) Anywho, I must admit, I am very opinionated. I have spent many more hours than I wish to remember regretting the words that I spoke. I want to speak words or peace, love, and encouragement. However, sometimes the words I say are in hurt, resentment, and even anger. Often those things I say in haste, are not the things I wish I would have said at all. I've learned though, that the biggest blessings in my life are not the things that I've said, but rather so often the things I have heard.

Last week I had an optical migraine. It was caused by lack of decent sleep, older contacts than I should have worn, and a high level of stress. I realized how sensitive my hearing was during this time. Even the slightest little noise felt like someone was screaming across the room at me. I had to lay on the couch and in the bed for 3 days with my eyes closed the majority of the time, just listening, while keeping very still and hoping my head would soon feel better. I wondered during this time if the reason I was so sick was so that I could concentrate more on the things I was hearing than what I was seeing. I know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. So even though I would have rather have had a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday without pain, I can see how the things I heard were good and I want to take time out now to appreciate the things I hear more.

I started writing this post because of something I heard this morning. I was listening to Anna play "He Leadeth Me." It was a beautiful rendition of the song written by Mrs. Wanda Marlow just for Anna to learn for her competition. Anna will be competing at her ACE Convention again in about 5 weeks. She is practicing this song about 8 - 10 times a day now. I think nothing the LORD does is by circumstance. I completely believe everything is on purpose, so that GOD can continue to work HIS ultimate will in our lives. I know HE had Mrs. Wanda choose this song for our entire family's good. "He Leadeth Me" what a wonderful thing to hear over and over again. We all need to make sure HE is leading us. By repeating this sound over and over again, it settles it more in our hearts. The more we hear, the more we believe. The more we believe, the more we practice. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

I wanted to take the time to savor what I had heard. I love listening to Anna play the piano. I love the fact that she is honoring GOD with her talent. I know that Anna is often not thought of for her talents. I'm not sure why this is, I can think of many possible reasons, but GOD knows the truth, and again I'm trusting HIM to work it out for our good. I am glad though that Anna doesn't have a haughty heart about her talents. I'm glad she is humble, and I pray she always has a spirit of humility for the talents GOD has given her. Her singing and her piano playing are such a blessing to me. I love listening to the sweet sounds that come from her little fingers and the beautiful notes that she sings too. I pray that GOD will continue to use her to bless our family as well as others for many years to come!

I love hearing all of my babies. I love hearing little Valie when she says "Bay Bee." She has such a sweet little voice and there is no doubt that the GOD placed her in all of our lives for the blessing she would be. You can not hear her little voice without smiling! A friend once told me women are made to always have babies in their life. She said they are supposed to keep having babies until they have grand-babies. This is so at no time will their house be without the pitter-patter of little baby feet running about. I'm not sure how much of a possibility this will be in my life, but for now I'm grateful for the little sticky feet I can still hear running all around making tiny foot prints for me to clean up after!

I love hearing my little Rose-bud. Even as I type these letters she is picking up the living room singing "God's been good." I'm so blessed to be able to have children who want to Praise GOD all the time, even when they think no one is watching or listening. I'm so thankful to be able to hear my daughter sing now, instead of having to worry about what she is doing while she is away from me. There as so many sounds I hear every week that I would never have the privilege of hearing were it not for my freedom to homeschool. I'm so thankful for that!

Today I love hearing my little man Sethy. While I'm typing this he is working on school worksheets. I love to hear how he still says so many things like a "little boy." We have joked that all of our children have been effected by our friend Kim Royal. Kim has played such a strong influence in our lives, our children all say certain things that sound like Kim. Little Sethy seems to be hanging on to some of those slurred letters the longest so far though. R's sound like W's and L's sound like W's too. S's sometimes just disappear all together. I love the sweetness and youth that is still in so many of Seth's words. I love how that although he is a little boy with few words at times, he says so much with the deep love her shows to so many. I'm so thankful to hear my little boy learning to read. I'm grateful I'm the one teaching him!

These are the things I'm hearing today. I pray that GOD keeps me mindful of just how privileged I am to be able to hear all of these blessings. I pray there are many years to come with me hearing all of these blessings around me each day.

What are you hearing today?

Whew, it's a good thing I had stopped typing when I did! Now all I hear from the room beside me as I am proof reading my post is a little brother taunting his older sister, and another sister who is fighting with her sister about what she is "not going to pick up" that the other one left behind. Ha, that is my life for sure, and I'm very thankful for it! ;-)

Oh, and one more little P.S. I can't forget to thank Tracie Bauguess for her inspiration for me. I have read her blog for a while and I thought, I need to do that. I'll share soon my real reason for wanting to blog, but Thank you again Tracie for your willingness to share your life and the inspiration you gave me to share mine!

1 comment:

  1. You mean I'm not your ONLY reason?!?! hahaha DeAnna, I am not worthy of anything! I just want to give God the glory for how He has always been able to turn my messy life into something, well, not quite so messy. Thank you for all your encouragement & support! I don't know what I would do without all of your help!
