Thursday, February 23, 2012

What to do...

I love to follow the Christian Calendar. I know lots of people believe that it's just religion and they believe others just use the calendar and it's methodical activities to keep busy and appear to truly believe. I want to live closer to the LORD and although I know that what ever righteousness we have is just filthy rags, (Isaiah 64:6) I do believe GOD wants us to strive to be closer to HIM. To know HIM more; to learn HIS wishes and wants for us by reading HIS Word more. I feel like following and observing some of the dates on the Christian Calendar, along with observing the old Feasts and Festivals in the Old Testament, is well pleasing to the LORD.

Several years ago a friend, Marianna de Lachica lived in Wilkes. Marianna was the first person that I remember speaking to about the meaning of Lent. I had heard of the term some from our Nana Kathy when we attended the Methodist Church. However, it was Marianna that I discussed Lent more extensively with and those discussions are what led to me to want to participate in Lent.

Lent to me is to Easter like Advent is to Christmas. It's a time of preparation. Now, I know that many people have their ideas about what Easter and Christmas Holidays really came from. I must admit, there is lots of evidence to convince anyone that these Holy-days and not so Holy in origin. However, I do celebrate both of these holidays with our family and try to use them as times to draw closer to the LORD and learn more about HIM. I like the fact that their are 5 Sunday's in Advent and your family can use that time to reflect on Emmanuel coming as our sacrifice when HE was born. I like that you can use 40 days prior to the anniversary of the Resurrection of Jesus to think of all that HIS sacrifice meant for you and how you can serve HIM more.

I have observed lent a couple of different ways over the years. Once I fasted something about the computer. I really can't remember much about that fast though, and honestly, I'm not sure if I made it the entire 40 days. I do remember one year in particular I fasted meats. I had no meats of any form except on Sundays for the entire 40 days. That was NOT easy! It actually physically made me weak. I should have substituted it with another form of protein, but I didn't know that then. Anyway, I didn't tell anyone what I was doing, although my family did eventually catch on. I do believe that year I learned something though. I learned that sacrificing something, anything for GOD is not always necessary, however it can be a good thing.

I think that others think too often, "Oh Goodness tomorrow is Lent, what will I have to give up this year?" I really believe that where any fasting is concerned, GOD would much rather us ask what HE wants from us. I don't think HE wants for us to simply pick something random that we either think might sound good, or be easy for us to give up. Even if something is hard for you to give up, that doesn't necessarily mean that is the things GOD wants you to do without. Just because it's the time of year so many others are fasting, doesn't necessarily mean that GOD wants you to fast now either. Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, 1 Samuel 15:22 If we simply fast because of routine, ritual, or even religion, is this really was GOD wants from us? I believe HE wants us to speak to HIM, to pray and ask what HE would have us do.

To fast or not to fast? If to fast what do I fast? In each thing we do, we have the opportunity to increase or decrease our witness. If we choose to do something after feeling led by the LORD, that may be the very thing that GOD uses in our life to open up our witness to that one person we would have never reached other wise. We should pray about all things, ... continuing instant in prayer; Romans 12:12 Lent is no different.

Praying is what it is all about isn't it. What does GOD want you to do with the next 40 days? What can you do to learn more about HIM in the next few weeks before Easter? Ask HIM, I bet HE will lead you too!

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