Thursday, March 1, 2012

So much for on time!

I am late lots of the time. Actually, I'm more often late than I am on time. I've probably only been early 2 or 3 times in the past year for anything. I really do try not to be late, but I still am. I was born 3 weeks late, and I guess I've been trying to catch up ever since. I mention all of this to explain what may have been the issue with my last post. I posted about Lent a couple of days after Ash Wednesday, however, for some reason, I really didn't post it. It ended up as a draft, and when I came back to write again today, I found it still waiting to be published. Hah, figures, that's just like me. Now even my blog is late!

Today I wanted to write on a more serious note though. I had just read a little more about a report from the Pittman Family House Fire. The Pittman Family is from somewhere near Onslow, NC. The are a homeschool family, and have 8 children. They had a house fire last week and it took the lives of 3 of their children.

I can't begin to say how much hurt I have in my heart for a family that I don't even know. I had a friend that I graduated highschool with to lose a son last year. He had battled cancer in his brain for about 1 1/2 years and although I'm sure they still hurt daily, I can imagine that they are grateful with the time they had with him after the diagnosis. I'm sure they were glad to be able to have time to say goodbye and to do some fun memorable things with Noah prior to him going home to live with Jesus. I remembered how sad I felt for Richard and Billie and even just today I thought of her months later and knew how much she must still be missing holding her little boy. This family though lost 3 at one time, how much more could that be effecting their lives.

I imagine they all may have prayed together, hugged each other, and gave a kiss good-night and went to bed thinking of all they had to do that next day. I can't imagine the panic that set in with all of the family once they woke to a smoke filled home and begin to struggle though the fire trying to save their and their family's lives. They believe the oldest of the 3 children that died was attempting to rescue the two younger siblings that died with that child too. My goodness how brave that child must have been in their last moments. How glorious to have suddenly entered Heaven with her two brother's at her side to play with her, happy and joyous forever more. Although, this was not at all the outcome that the family would have had for that next morning, I'm so glad to know that Tabitha, Elijah, and Gabriel Pittman will never suffer again. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4

It does not feel so joyous for those we leave behind does it. The hurt all of this family feels must be so big. I know that GOD is bigger than any hurt, but I pray I never know the hurt this family is feeling now. To have never had the chance to say good-bye once more, to give one more hug, to give one more good night kiss; my goodness how much their arms and souls must ache for that one more time. I pray that the family will all accept the comfort that GOD is providing for them now. I pray they don't become bitter, and that they truly lean on HIM now and know a peace that passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:7)

I love watching 19 kids and counting. I think about the loss that Michelle Duggar recently had of her unborn daughter. I have never lost a child, and knowing that she lost 2, I wonder if she feels that loss differently than some may have because she has 19 others to put her arms around, as well as 2 grand-babies now? Is her pain different than that of a mother her lost her first child to a miscarriage and now has 2 more? I wonder how the mother of 8 will feel to suddenly only have 5 to put her arms around once she is back home? Does it somehow hurt less the more children we have?

I don't wish to ever know the answers to these questions. However, I speculate that the pain is as real as they could have ever imagined it. I know that all of those children will be missed emmensely by their parents and their brothers and sisters. May GOD reunite all of the Pittman Family soon and help them to remain close through all of this trial.

I think we need to pray for this family often. I hope we can keep appreciating the Grace that is in our life. I pray that I thank GOD each night when I lay down to have all of my healthy children around me. I pray that I thank GOD each morning I awake for all of my family that slept safely through the night. Life can change so quickly. Bad things do happen to Good people, to GODly people, and those pursing Holiness. I pray I never take for granted how blessed I am. Seeing others hurt and suffer so keeps me mindful of how Good GOD has been to my family.

Today I'm so thankful for my family, my home, and those that have prayed for me. I'm thankful for the ultimate sacrifice that GOD provided, and so grateful that one day Emmanuel (which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1:23) will be in every moment and with my every breath, each day throughout eternity! I'm thankful that although I may not have ever met Tabitha, Elijah, Gabriel or Jubilee here on Earth, one day I will be able to meet them all in Heaven. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:52

Thank you GOD for Emily, Anna, Rose, Seth & Valie!

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