Friday, March 2, 2012

Things I want to remember...

One of the biggest reasons I wanted to write a blog was so that my children could have something to look back on one day and remember all the little things that went on in our family. I wanted to use this sorta like a journal, or a type of log, so that my daughter's especially could know many of the thoughts I had when I was raising them. I want them to be able to read my struggles, needs and desires as a mom. I believe if they can understand more about me at this time in my life, it will help them one day to understand themselves more when they are moms too, and not feel alone in their journey.

I think about lots of things I'd like to be able to record. I have even considered purchasing a voice recorder so I could keep up with my thoughts as I thought them and not forget things that are important. The only thing about a recorder is that I would then have to take more time out later and listen to the information, then type it up if I need to. This will take more time than I'm able to spare at this point in my life. I can always think of laundry that needs to be cleaned, dishes that need to be washed, and babies that need to be played with. Taking time out to even write this blog feels like more time than I should be giving at times. Hopefully though, before I'm too old to appreciate it, they will make a truly easy ap that I can use on an ipod to record my thoughts down, and while I'm talking, it would be typing for me. It could go send an email, save a draft in a blog, or update my facebook site or pinterest with the latest cool thing I just found, all while I'm driving down the road. Scratch that, by then I should be able to have the hover car on the Satellite directed auto pilot and be in the back braiding the baby's hair while we are riding to the super market. Now that will be the day!

For now though, I must wait until I remember something I saw that made me have a great thought to put in my blog. Then I must wait until I have 20 minutes to type it up in the computer after the kids are in the bed, and hope that I haven't forgotten what it was that I thought about remembering forever in my blog anyway.

Seriously, the other day I saw something at church that made me think of something I wanted to remember. Jocelyn ran to the front of church a little early for the junior choir to sing. The little kids always come up during the last verse of the song that is being sang while offering is being taken up. The children usually wait for the leader to step out and then they know it's time to go to the front. Jocelyn got excited and ran to the front early. She ran ahead of her mom and I could see the look of concern on Wendy's face when she was trying to decide whether or not to just let her stand up there alone, or if she needed to get her to come back down and wait. There was a pause for just a few seconds, and then all the sudden little Emily came barrelling down out of the choir loft and went to join Jocelyn's side. After that, all the rest of the kids started coming up to join both of the girls and waited until it was time for them to start singing.

This made me think about something, I thought about how little Jocelyn had made a mistake. This mistake could have been very embarrassing for her. She had good intentions, but she was not supposed to come up early. Standing up their by herself could have caused her to have never wanted to come up and sing with the little kids again. Little kids are very resilient, however they can be easily hurt too. I've seen little kids become embarrassed one time at church and then never get over it. It could have been a horrible situation that made little Jocy run away crying all the way back up the isle to her mom. Emily could have easily started snickering at Jocelyn for her mistake. However, seeing a friend in need, little Emily did the right thing by running to her friend's side.

See, how often do we see another Sister or Brother in the LORD fall and what do we do? Do we laugh at them? Do we judge them for the predicament they are in? Do we think to ourselves, I'd never do something that dumb, what were they thinking? How much more love can we show to our fellow Christians if we pause for a moment when we see them fall, and instead of judging, we offer to stand with them? If someone makes a mistake, should we separate ourself from them, or should we take that one opportunity to reach out or down to a Bother or Sister, and help pull them out of the hole that sin created in their life? How much like Jesus can we be when we are showing HIS love to others who have fallen?

I love how we often learn little lessons through children that GOD wants us to be like. Perhaps this is some of what He meant when He said Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3 Perhaps that was not the meaning of that particular verse, but thinking of how loving and quick to forgive children usually are, makes me think more about how GOD wants me to be. It makes me think, what do I need to do the next time my friend makes a mistake? Will I run to their side, so they don't feel alone, or will I stand back and wonder what they were thinking for getting themselves into that mess to begin with? Will I be like a child and simply help my friend? Will I use what may be the greatest opportunity I will ever have with them to show them the love of GOD through forgiveness and compassion?

The older I am getting, there are more and more things that I am figuring out don't really mean very much. However, there are a few things that seem to mean everything; Love, forgiveness, & compassion. These things mean much more than changing the order of the service by going forward at the wrong time. I pray that when the sum of my life is added, that I am remembered for these things.

A line from a poem that I pray can be said of me "Twas her thinking of others, that made you think of her." Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:4

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